Sunday, May 17, 2009

"I See Skies of Blue...Clouds of White....

.....bright blessed days, dark sacred nights and I think to myself what a wonderful world." To see the world through the prism of a child is one of life's delights. Their joy in the discovery and mystery of the world is contagious and keeps the old among us young. We know that wonder must be tended if it's to last a lifetime. Sometimes it must be taught. Sometimes it must be shared. Several years ago I found myself stretched face-up in the sand of an Oregon beach holding hands with my grandsons as we searched an azure sky for phantom peaks hiding in the clouds above us - phantom peaks are cloud masses that resemble mountain ranges. It was a perfect day. We found K2 and Annapurna and watched the, sometimes amazing, aerial acrobatics of the raptors overhead. The boys have moved on to other things, but I know with certainty there will be another day when they scan the sky with children of their own, seeking the phantom peaks of their childhood.

I thought these pictures would be perfect for Blue Monday, so I'm sending them to Smiling Sally for her Blue Monday event.

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